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High CBD, Low THC

Female hemp seeds from the US are some of the best genetics you can buy. It only took us five years to produce the best hemp seeds the world had ever seen. Why is that? Do we have better genetics? Or is there something that sets apart America as a place for increased innovation and ever-growing levels of production. Why not both?

Female Hemp Seeds USA


Americans have a history of industry growth to the highest order. Alan Greenspan notes, “from 1872 – 1910 Our share of global manufacturing grew from 23% to 35% while Britain’s share declined from 31% to 14.7%.” We have a culture of growth. When we open up new industries like hemp, it moves at light speed. Foreigner’s opinions of American’s industriousness has always been high. Why would you expect our female hemp seeds to be any different?

“Labor is essential to their well-being as food and clothing to a European. I know of no country where wealth has taken a stronger hold on the affections of men. The entire society is a factory.” –Francis Grund

Sex-Specific Female Hemp Seeds

American ingenuity and entrepreneurship have brought the hemp plant into the 21st century. European hemp has a measly 5-7% cannabinoid level while American hemp is clocking in at a whopping 4x that amount. Do the math. More cannabinoids mean more money for your family at harvest time. It pays to choose USA female hemp seeds.

From Fly-Over to Ground Zero


The Heartland is pounding, Colorado and Montana blow away the competition for total hemp acreage cultivated. These two states make up almost 50% of the total farmed area. Do you know where your home stands? Buy your American female hemp seeds from the biggest supplier of top quality hemp genetics, Fortuna.

1 Comment

  1. Katherine K Costas
    July 18, 2022 at 11:20 am

    How can I grow and buy the feminzed seeds? Is it legal in Florida?
    [email protected]

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