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Trying to germinate hemp seeds can be a daunting task. The whole process of cultivating a legally compliant crop begins with germination, so ensuring that everything goes well in this stage is very important. To address this, many farmers use greenhouse germination. After all, it’s much easier to control growing factors inside a greenhouse environment than it is a traditional outdoor growing setting.

Why Germinate Hemp Seeds in a Greenhouse?

There are a couple of routes that a farmer can take when beginning a hemp crop: hemp seedlings or hemp seeds. Both options require a great deal of time and care to ensure success. But what are the significant differences between the two?

While hemp seedlings can reduce the initial labor put into the crop, they are very delicate and require a good deal of care to ensure that they continue to grow optimally. Additionally, they’re often more expensive than growing from hemp seeds. One of the reasons farmers opt for pre-germinated hemp seedlings over hemp seeds is because they have a higher chance of success since they have already germinated and taken root.

However, those who have the luxury of a greenhouse growing environment may find hemp seeds to be more economically feasible. Not only that but when farmers germinate hemp seeds in a greenhouse, the success rates for the hemp plants increase significantly.

Hemp Germination Roots

How To Find and Purchase Quality Hemp Seeds

One of the most important things to look for when searching for a quality hemp seed distributor is their reputation. Determine this by checking online reviews both on and off the hemp seed company’s website. Indeed, this is digital gold for you as a potential customer. You can see what previous customers have to say about the hemp seeds a company provides, how their crops turned out, and how helpful/supportive the company was throughout the process. When you find a company with stellar reviews, it’s a good sign that you’ve hit the jackpot. Now you start looking at the hemp seeds you want to germinate.

Next, determine how many seeds to purchase. To do this, you must first learn how you will space your hemp plants. There are a couple of different schools of thought when it comes to determining this number, so first, you must decide whether to space plants tight or loose. Those who grow hemp for industrial purposes tend to space plants close — between four to six inches apart. However, those who will grow hemp for CBD (i.e., “flowering hemp”) should space plants loosely to give the flowers enough room to blossom and thrive. In this case, space plants between four to six feet apart, instead.

Once you’ve determined the intention of your hemp crop (and, thus, its spacing requirements),  use our hemp planting calculator to determine exactly how many seeds you will need. You can put your specific measurements for acreage and spacing to get the right number of hemp seeds for your crop and your needs.

Tips to Germinate Hemp Seeds in a Greenhouse

Hemp Seeds GerminatingThe most common method of hemp seed germination is to use a moist paper towel. This method allows growers to track the germination process, planting in the soil only when the seeds have proven viable. To germinate hemp seeds using the paper towel method, you must first gather your supplies. Supplies include distilled water, non-printed paper towels, a growing tray, tweezers, and, of course, some high-quality feminized hemp seeds. Begin by soaking the seeds in distilled water for a few hours or overnight. This will help break down the seeds’ shells, making it easier for the small taproot to break free. Next, place the seeds on a warm, damp paper towel atop your growing tray and set in a dark, undisturbed location. Check the seeds frequently, ensuring they never dry out, spraying with lukewarm distilled water as necessary. When the taproot is at least a few centimeters long, carefully place the seedlings in soft, fertile soil using tweezers, careful not to touch the roots lest they break or become contaminated.

Final Thoughts

Germinating hemp seeds in a greenhouse can make it much easier to reap a successful, high-CBD, low-THC hemp crop.

Still unsure about hemp seed greenhouse cultivation? Contact our team of experts to get your next hemp crop growing.

Do you have greenhouse germination tips you’d like to share? Our readers would love to hear them. Drop a comment below to get the conversation started.


  1. [email protected]
    November 19, 2020 at 8:43 am

    HI! We just bought our feminized seeds from you and I have a small greenhouse and plan to start them in there using the method you just listed above. I live in Virginia so out growing season is from about march to November or so.. should I start them in December so that they get potted up to size to plant in march or is that too soon? We grow tomatoes and start them in February and they take until July to produce..so wondering if I can treat them as a tomato to plan planting. Also how big do they need to be before they are put out in the spring? Would you suggest a solidly 2 months in the greenhouse before putting them out? I really appreciate your time, and thank you for any feedback!

  2. Ammy
    February 11, 2021 at 2:02 am

    Great post! Helped me a lot. While growing hemp for CBD production it is much easier to manage pests in a greenhouse environment.

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