Buy Feminized Hemp Seeds For The State Of Idaho
CBD Hemp Seeds For Growing In Idaho
It’s currently not legal to grow or process hemp in Idaho as the state law considers hemp with any THC level the same as Marijuana. As such, no hemp licenses are available in the state. However, the state officials are making big moves to legalize hemp cultivation soon. Check back often for updates regarding Idaho’s hemp program.
The 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp nationwide, authorizing each state to regulate hemp cultivation, processing, and handling as they saw fit. The state is studying how to develop its own hemp program. The following hemp-related bills were on the floor for Idaho’s 2019/2020 session.
Senate Bill 1345 allows Idaho farmers to grow and sell hemp products containing 0.3 percent THC or less.
HB 300 adds to present law to provide regulations for interstate hemp transportation and the Hemp Development Fund (HDF).
HB 122 amends and adds to present law to provide legislative intent for production, research, and regulation of hemp to give an exception regarding THC.
HR 7 – Affirming findings of the House of Representatives and agreeing that it is the state’s policy to permit and encourage the production and research of hemp in Idaho. The bill also provides for the development and submission of a state plan.
Farmers cannot grow hemp in Idaho just yet, but that does not mean they are helpless in the legalization process. Connecting with organizations such as Vote Hemp can keep them updated on what is happening with hemp legalization and licensing in Idaho. Furthermore, they can contact their local representatives to voice their opinions on legalizing in the state.
State representatives are cautiously considering all implications of hemp production and processing and will take action as soon as the market becomes a bit more stable.
Restrictions on the cultivation and processing of hemp in Idaho have made interstate hemp transportation difficult. However, to abide by the 2018 Farm Bill, the Governor directed the Commissioner of the Idaho State Police to participate in a rule-making process concerning hemp transportation. These rules authorized the shipment of hemp through the state of Idaho.
Any transporter or vehicle carrying hemp must have the affirmative duty to stop at the first established or temporary entry point to declare the hemp and wait for inspection. If the port of entry is closed for operations, the transporter should not proceed with the journey. All hemp containers must have labels that include the address and name of the grower, the amount of the hemp, and its destination.
In time, Idaho will legalize hemp for commercial purposes. Be prepared for the arrival of the Idaho hemp program by exploring our collection of feminized hemp seeds.
Hemp cultivation is a hefty investment, and growing crops with too many male plants or excess THC can be costly. When purchasing Idaho CBD hemp seeds, it’s crucial that you know and trust your seed source. Feminized hemp seeds are perfect for growing dominant plants that produce copious amounts of CBD and terpenes while keeping THC levels low.
Find out more about hemp cultivation in the US by visiting the United States Department of Agriculture website. To learn more about the current Idaho hemp law, visit their website. Of course, you can always contact us to learn how we can help you thrive in the American hemp industry.