Buy Feminized Hemp Seeds For The State Of Texas
CBD Hemp Seeds For Growing In Texas
Lawmakers recently made it legal to grow hemp in Texas., those who wish to either grow or process hemp in Texas must gain proper licensing first. Here’s how.
Anyone wishing to grow hemp in the state of Texas must obtain a license from the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). The Department requires all applicants to submit proper licensing forms online through the TDA eApply Portal. Those with difficulty submitting the online application should contact their TDA regional office.
For licensing, applicants must register at least one facility in which to either handle or produce hemp. A lot permit allows a license holder to grow one hemp crop of a single, approved variety on one location in Texas. There are separate fees for lot permits, facility registration, and license. Per the state law, the cost for registering a facility is $100 for each registered facility. Lot permits fees are $100 per lot, and the license is also $100.
There may be more than one facility per license, and a license holder can plant more than one lot of hemp per facility. Each facility must have a separate registration, and for every hemp lot planted within a facility, there must be an independent lot permit. After harvesting, registrants must apply for new licensing before planting a new crop.
During the application process, registrants must include GPS locations and street addresses for each facility where hemp will be handled or produced. The cost of modifying the GPS locations of a registered facility is $500. Also, applicants must provide proof of control or ownership of the region of hemp growth or handling. Additionally, Hemp Sampler License applicants must complete an online Hemp Sampling Training course before a license is issued.
The TDA does not conduct any hemp sampling. Producers must contract with an approved third-party organization. Moreover, producers can ship their hemp samples to a different state for testing. However, the laboratory must be registered with TDA and must have ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation.
A testing laboratory must collect a representative hemp sample before harvesting. After testing is complete, farmers must harvest hemp within 15 days after the sample was collected. If a farmer fails to do this, a second and final sample collection must occur. After the second and final sample collection, harvesting must also take place within 15 days.
Incomplete and inaccurate applications will not be approved. Anyone with a felony conviction relating to possession of controlled substances in the last ten years might not be granted a hemp license or be a governing person in any business involved with hemp production or handling in Texas.
Buying and owning hemp seeds is legal throughout Texas. After gaining authorization to grow hemp in Texas, the next step is to buy high-quality hemp seeds. Growers should select their seeds wisely. Individuals who are planning to grow hemp for CBD should only buy feminized hemp seeds. Feminized hemp seeds produce high CBD levels and only small traces of THC.
To learn more about how to grow hemp in Texas, visit their website. As always, feel free to contact us to learn how we can help you thrive in the Texas hemp industry.