California Hemp Seeds - High CBD Feminized Hemp Seeds

California Hemp Seeds

Buy Feminized Hemp Seeds For The State Of California
CBD Hemp Seeds For Growing In California

To grow hemp in California, one must first obtain the proper licensing. No one may produce, process, or breed hemp until the state approves their license and proposed hemp varieties and receives all applicable fees necessary to instate the registration.

Register for Hemp Licensing in California

There are two types of hemp registration in California: grower registration and breeder registration. Those who want to cultivate hemp for the sake of developing new varieties must submit the Industrial Hemp Registration Application for Breeders. Everyone else must submit the Industrial Hemp Registration for Growers, instead. These applications are very similar. The most significant difference is that breeders must include a variety development plan, whereas growers must list all approved varieties they intend to grow on their land.

Additionally, registration must include the following information:

  1. Full legal name, phone number, and address for all licensees
  2. GPS coordinates where hemp cultivation will take place
  3. A Criminal History Report to confirm that no key players have a felony conviction within the last ten years

A $900 registration fee is also due upon application submission.

Established agricultural research institutions (EARI) will be exempt from registration as soon as the USDA approves its new plan. In the meantime, EARI applicants must also submit GPS coordinates to the county in which they will grow before planting.

Once approved, the county commissioner will issue the registration and a documentation letter. The letter will outline all key participants, cultivation sites, and approved hemp varieties to the primary license holder. Growers may begin planting hemp seeds and plants at this time. Registrations are valid for one year, after which the applicant must re-register with the county commissioner and pay another $900 fee.

Sampling and Testing

California requires pre-harvest testing for all hemp farms in the state. The licensee must submit a Preharvest Report no more than 30 days before a projected harvest date. With the licensee or a representative present, the inspector will take a sample from the top of a predetermined number of flowering hemp plants. They will then test the sample to determine THC levels using postdecarboxylation testing methods.

Lab results will display THC levels on a dry weight basis to determine compliance with the state’s hemp farming plan. Laboratories that confirm hemp plant are compliant will issue ten copies of the report to the licensees and retain the original report for no less than two years. Lab results that indicate THC levels between 0.3 percent and one percent are eligible for re-testing. If a second sample maintains that the hemp is non-compliant, the licensee must destroy the crop within 45 days after receiving the failed report. This 45-day window is only valid for con-compliant plants with THC levels between 0.3 and one percent.

Should lab results determine that THC levels are above one percent, the licensee must destroy the crop within seven days after receiving the failed report. The state will not prosecute licensees for cultivating marijuana if they comply with these rules.

The licensee must submit a Harvest Report within 72 hours after completing the harvest. The Harvest Report includes things like registration number, contact information, harvest dates, name of cultivars, and the GPS coordinates where the harvest took place.

Should a crop require destruction, the registrant must submit a Destruction Plan. The Destruction Plan outlines the proposed destruction method and the timeline for the removal. The county commissioner must receive the Destruction Plan at least 24 hours before crop destruction commences.

Buy California Hemp Seeds

California hemp growers must only cultivate certified seeds and clones that have proven their stability and compliance. Approved cultivars include those certified by the AOSCA, the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, or another official seed certifying agency.

To learn more about California’s Industrial Hemp Program, visit their website or contact us to hear how we can help.

Showing all 4 results

  • cherry-bubblegum-feminized-cbd-hemp-seeds-1-c

    Cherry Bubblegum

    Seed Sex: Feminized Hemp Seeds
    Brand: Fortuna Hemp
    Aroma: Berries, Bubblegum, Sweet
    Flavor: Bubblegum, Cherries, Fruit
    Lineage: Spectrum IBL
    Cherry Bubblegum is a versatile CBD ...
    $0.30 Add to cart
  • grizzly-feminized-hemp-seeds-fortuna-hemp


    Seed Sex: Feminized Hemp Seeds
    Brand: Fortuna Hemp
    Aroma: Blueberry, Cinnamon, Citrus, Hops, Orange, Pine, Soil, Sour, Sweet, Tea Tree, Wood
    Lineage: Nightingale, Super CBD
    Flavor: Citrus, Floral, Fruit, Pine, Savory, Skunk, Soil, Sour, Sweet, Tea Tree
    Grizzly is a potent and ...
    $0.46 Add to cart
  • titan-feminized-cbd-hemp-seeds-fortuna-hemp-1-c


    Seed Sex: Feminized Hemp Seeds
    Brand: Fortuna Hemp
    Aroma: Fruit, Wildflowers
    Lineage: Spectrum, Spectrum (Super Spectrum Phenotype)
    Flavor: Fruit, Herbs, Spice
    Titan is a hemp strain with mighty ...
    $0.40 Add to cart
  • flowering-trinity-hemp-strain


    Seed Sex: Feminized Hemp Seeds
    Brand: Fortuna Hemp
    Aroma: Cinnamon, Citrus, Earthy, Floral, Fruit, Spicy
    Flavor: Citrus, Earth, Fruit, Herbs, Pine
    Flowering Length: 8-9 Weeks
    Finishing Height: Medium Tall - Tall
    Hemp Type: Hybrid
    Trinity is a premium feminized smokable ...
    $0.46 Add to cart
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    Cherry Bubblegum
    1 X $0.96 = $0.96